One Direction Infection

Are you a true One Directioner?

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Oaky so in my neighborhood we have this tradition were people in the neighborhood boo other ppl in the neigborhood. And this is how it goes:

1) You buy a halloween basket and fill it up with candy and cupcake or any type of  treat miz.
2) Then you go to a house and bang on the door as hard as you can.
3) Then you hide and wait until they recieved it and run as fast as you can back to ur house.

But in the goodie basket you must put print out a ghost picture and at the bottom of the paper you tell them to print out two sheets of the picture for other ppl to boo and they must tell them what to do to.

So like this past Sunday I booed the ppl across the street and like i banged the door super duper hard. and it took 4ever 4 them to open the door. So i ran back home (u can do that if u want when u boo ppl) So like 4 minutes later they opened the door and they were all like "whats this?" it was funny.

You can look up how to boo ppl on pintrest.
C YA !!!!!

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