Merry Christmas Everybody! Hope all of you ppl have a blessed day. God Loves you very much! (veggitales quote).
One Direction Infection
Are you a true One Directioner?
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Dark Day
last Friday was a dreadful day. At Sandy Hook Elementary School a Gunman came and shot 26 people not just once but multiple times. most of them were little kids. All of them about the age of ruby and Sophie. To me it makes me think " Why would a person do such a thing?" or "they had that much hate and evilness in them"? Today at school all of my teachers were talking it about it to us. And my Math Teacher said "its sick how a person can go into an elementary school and start shooting little kids of the ages 6 to 8." and I completely agree with him. It is sick how a person could do that. People are saying that he had mental problems, well i think that maybe he had a little bit of hate. I just wanna say this though, please please pray for all of the families that lost their babies in the massacre. Pray for them to heal and for them not to worry and that they'll know that Jesus is taking care of them right now. It is really sad that a mother and a father lost their babies. It breaks my heart to think what their going through right now. Just please pray for the families.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Heyy ppl I just wanted to update u on all the cool stuff thats happening so far in my life. First of all School is doing great I just got my progress report cards today. And i made a 90 in math! I made on B in Science. But all the rest of my classes were A's. And Today was Ruby's Birthday today, she got a American Girl doll, crayons, fairy game, a doll bunk bed for her new doll, and ect. (i culdn't remeber he rest of her things. Nex month is my birthday , I'll be turning 15!! YAY I GET MY DRIVER'S PERMIT! My momma said that she might teach me how to drive. But you never know she might change her mind. But yeah. Last Sunday was Pepper's 2nd birthday, she got a toy car thing she loves it alot, and she got a ne LaLa (an elmo doll, elmo is from Sesame Street) and a new baby doll too. My friend Grace invited me to go to Tennessee trip with her, i can't wait for that. But nothing to exciting is happening right now. I hope that all oh Ya'll are doing fine. I miss you guys alot. Except u momma i live with you, so I c you all day. HAHA LOL. Hey about my birthday thing all i want from you guys are just Birthday cards (no money, please) (unless you cant help yourselves then fine). Well I love you guys but I have to go I math quiz tomorrow. Byeaz!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Oaky so in my neighborhood we have this tradition were people in the neighborhood boo other ppl in the neigborhood. And this is how it goes:
1) You buy a halloween basket and fill it up with candy and cupcake or any type of treat miz.
2) Then you go to a house and bang on the door as hard as you can.
3) Then you hide and wait until they recieved it and run as fast as you can back to ur house.
But in the goodie basket you must put print out a ghost picture and at the bottom of the paper you tell them to print out two sheets of the picture for other ppl to boo and they must tell them what to do to.
So like this past Sunday I booed the ppl across the street and like i banged the door super duper hard. and it took 4ever 4 them to open the door. So i ran back home (u can do that if u want when u boo ppl) So like 4 minutes later they opened the door and they were all like "whats this?" it was funny.
You can look up how to boo ppl on pintrest.
C YA !!!!!
1) You buy a halloween basket and fill it up with candy and cupcake or any type of treat miz.
2) Then you go to a house and bang on the door as hard as you can.
3) Then you hide and wait until they recieved it and run as fast as you can back to ur house.
But in the goodie basket you must put print out a ghost picture and at the bottom of the paper you tell them to print out two sheets of the picture for other ppl to boo and they must tell them what to do to.
So like this past Sunday I booed the ppl across the street and like i banged the door super duper hard. and it took 4ever 4 them to open the door. So i ran back home (u can do that if u want when u boo ppl) So like 4 minutes later they opened the door and they were all like "whats this?" it was funny.
You can look up how to boo ppl on pintrest.
C YA !!!!!
Friday, September 14, 2012
The X Factor: nAbout the Singerz
Okay so ther's this One gurl who thought that she was better than everybody else on the show, so when it came to her turn to wow the Judges haha she started singing Fireworks by Katy Perry. And Simon Cowell cut her off and he said that " You sounded like you were dying.....very slowly like your in pain." then i started laughing. And she was all like "That's not what I wanted to hear." And he said "I know, i'm sorry." So then she started all over and he said " Know i feel like i'm the one dying." It was funny. And then one of Britney Spear's ex boyfriends showed up to audition and Britney looked mortified like she was about to cry and not in a happy way. So he thought he could get his big break and whatever. He didn't make it of coarse. But at the end he started to sob like a big baby. And he keeped on saying, "Oh my gosh did you see the look on her face/ I'm so sorry Britney." I thought it was pretty sad. But so far it's pretty good.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The X Factor
So Today I was watching The X Factor It came on last night but i recorded it. And let me just tell you it was soo awsome. There were so many awsome singers. And their were awful singers too. But there are two new judges this season, Demi Lovato, and Britney Spears. Simon is a softy now by the way. But Britney is the new Simon, because she said No like a bunch of times like: "no no no" or "you need to find a new singing teacher because your voice was awful." or even "you were off key." It was soo funy i started laughing really hard. Look out for my new post about the singerz.
Hey my followers,
Guess who's Birthday it is?
He's blond..........He's from Ireland\........he just turned 19!!! IT'S NIALL HORAN FROM 1 DIRECTION!!!!!! He turned 19 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL HORAN!!
Guess who's Birthday it is?
He's blond..........He's from Ireland\........he just turned 19!!! IT'S NIALL HORAN FROM 1 DIRECTION!!!!!! He turned 19 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL HORAN!!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
One Direction !!!!
Hey my Followers! So basically One Direction is a British Boy Singing Group (they don't like being called a boy band). There are five of them, four are British and one is Irish. They were in the X Factor, not together though. They came in Second Place, Then Simon (from American Idol) offered them the singing group job, which they took of coarse. One member is either 20 or 21 (he's not that old.) One just turned 19 yesterday. And two are 18, and the last one is 17. They have books, a concert DVD (which i want very badly), and one album (the second album is called "Take me home" it comes out November 26! So yeah that's the info. Oh and their going to preform on MTV tonight. Well that's it. Bye now!

They curly haired one is Harry Styles (British, 17 yrs old)
The Blond is Niall Horan (Irish, 18 yrs old.)
The light haired Gary t shirt guy is Liam Payne (British, 19yrs old.)
The Brown haired Black t shirt is Louise (Louie) Tomlison (British, 21 or 20 yrs old.)
The black haired bushy eyebrow guy is Zayn Malik (British, 18 yrs old.)
Their So Amazingly Awesome!
This won't be the last time I'll be talking about them!
(That was my evil laugh.)

They curly haired one is Harry Styles (British, 17 yrs old)
The Blond is Niall Horan (Irish, 18 yrs old.)
The light haired Gary t shirt guy is Liam Payne (British, 19yrs old.)
The Brown haired Black t shirt is Louise (Louie) Tomlison (British, 21 or 20 yrs old.)
The black haired bushy eyebrow guy is Zayn Malik (British, 18 yrs old.)
Their So Amazingly Awesome!
This won't be the last time I'll be talking about them!
(That was my evil laugh.)
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Happy Birthday!
HEY ALL MY FOLLOWERS! Today is an awsome day for somebody famous. Drum roll please..............It's LIAM PAYNE FROM ONE DIRECTION! He's a British person he just turned 19 today. Me and all my friends screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAM PAYNE! And people were like who's he? And we gasped, and said he's from one direction . For those who never heard of one direction, u are gonna have to see my other post about them to get some info. spread the word my wonderful followers, spread the word.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
First day of 8th grade!!
Hey my fellow followers,
Okay so today was my very first day of the 8th grade. And let me just say it was awsome, i made a friend named Abby. And she moved here from Villa Rica, she is very fun and totally gets me, and don't worry mt other friends get me also. She's a very good friend. And we have some classes together! Yay!!!! Well thats what had happened on my first day. bye
Okay so today was my very first day of the 8th grade. And let me just say it was awsome, i made a friend named Abby. And she moved here from Villa Rica, she is very fun and totally gets me, and don't worry mt other friends get me also. She's a very good friend. And we have some classes together! Yay!!!! Well thats what had happened on my first day. bye
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Okay so i think it was 2 weeks ago me and my friend JoAnn had a sleep over and @ like 10:30 at night. Jo had text message from terri., and i said "who is it?" and Jo said "terri, telling us to shut up". And so then 5 minutes later terri (jo's mom) sent another text saying "I'm going to sleep" so then we started whispering so we wouldn"t make terri mad and stuff. But then we got another text from terri saying "i can here whispering" then we satrted to get al freaked out. so we satrted being all quite and try to go to sleep. tthen all of a sudden Terri said BOO! Then we started screaming bloddy murder. it was sooo funny.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Oh My Goodness
Hey My Followers,
Okay so today i got my 8th grade school schedual, and guess what !? I DIDN'T GET ANY CLASSES WITH ANY OF MY ONLY FRIENDS AT SCHOOL!!!!! It's hard to get friends in Carrollton City Schools, for me. Because people think i'm a little nerdy, like people would say that to my right in my face. Ugh! i wish my friend Timberlin would be with me so would Natalie And Emily M. Andi also have p.e. which i deserv that, because i chose that out of anger. well please pray for and all. Thanx.
Okay so today i got my 8th grade school schedual, and guess what !? I DIDN'T GET ANY CLASSES WITH ANY OF MY ONLY FRIENDS AT SCHOOL!!!!! It's hard to get friends in Carrollton City Schools, for me. Because people think i'm a little nerdy, like people would say that to my right in my face. Ugh! i wish my friend Timberlin would be with me so would Natalie And Emily M. Andi also have p.e. which i deserv that, because i chose that out of anger. well please pray for and all. Thanx.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Summer is almost over
Hey people hows it goin? So I'm happy that summer is over, but I'm also sad. You wanna know why? Of course you do. So the reason why I'm happy is because I kinda like school It's kinda fun. But The reason why I'm sad is because I like going on vacation with my family. It's soo much fun. Well I guess I'll see ya later. Later Gaiter.
Friday, July 13, 2012
It feels good to do this again, I'm gonna try to post something everyday or something every other day. But for now I'm spilling the beans here, I'm kinda worried about this upcoming school year, because this year is pretty big. I have to keep my grades up for two reasons only, 1) I love good grades and 2) Because this year i have to do good on my CRCT Tests. If you don't pass the Crct the school lets you do retake. But if you fail that one then you have to stay back a whole nother year. so i have to do good. Plus I'm afraid that i have to do P.E., I didn't want to choose it I got mad because i wanted to do french but it wasn't an option. So i chose P.E. for half of the year. It was all my fault. Me and my temper.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Hey people
Hello to my veiwers ,
Okay so think i might start all over with this blog because its all choppy. You know i haven"t really been posting anything new so im starting a whole new look for this blog so watch out.
Okay so think i might start all over with this blog because its all choppy. You know i haven"t really been posting anything new so im starting a whole new look for this blog so watch out.
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